Cost of Attendance for Commuters and Online Students

Estimated Cost of Attendance for the 2023-2024 academic year for a full-time student commuting to campus

Tuition $7,070 $11,660 $17,490 Cost of instruction per year for the fall and spring semesters. (Established by the State of New York).
Student Comprehensive Fee $1,839 $1,839 $1,839 This fee helps fund student clubs and organizations, intercollegiate sports, technology, health services, transportation, transcript services, access to the fitness center, and support for campus operations.
Housing $8,477 $8,477 $8,477 This is a standard allowance for rent or other housing costs during the nine-month academic year.
Meals $4,635 $4,635 $4,635 This is a standard food allowance that provides the equivalent of three meals each day during the nine-month academic year.
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, & Equipment $3,418 $3,418 $3,418 The expense includes a standard allowance of $1,200 for books, additional curriculum costs which vary by major, and the cost of a laptop if required. For this example, we're using the average cost across all programs for the first year of attendance. 
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 This expense varies depending on the student. This accounts for spending on things like clothing, cell phone service, entertainment, and personal care.
Transportation $1,755 $1,755 $1,755 The transportation allowance refers to the cost of traveling to and from campus for classes over the course of the year.
Total $28,694 $33,284 $39,114 Remember, 92% of students receive some type of financial aid to help with these costs.

Estimated Cost of Attendance for the 2023-24 academic year for a full-time student commuting to campus and living at home with parents

Tuition $7,070 $11,660 $17,490 Cost of instruction per year for the fall and spring semesters. (Established by the State of New York).
Student Comprehensive Fee $1,839 $1,839 $1,839 This fee helps fund student clubs and organizations, intercollegiate sports, technology, health services, transportation, transcript services, access to the fitness center, and support for campus operations.
Meals $2,700 $2,700 $2,700 We use the 5-Meal Plan to account for lunch on campus during the week. Learn more at ACES Alfred.
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, & Equipment $3,418 $3,418 $3,418 The expense includes a standard allowance of $1,200 for books, additional curriculum costs which vary by major, and the cost of a laptop if required. For this example, we're using the average cost across all programs for the first year of attendance. 
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 This expense varies depending on the student. This accounts for spending on things like clothing, cell phone service, entertainment, and personal care.
Transportation $1,755 $1,755 $1,755 The transportation allowance refers to the cost of traveling to and from campus for classes over the course of the year.
Total $18,282 $22,872 $28,702 Remember, 92% of students receive some type of financial aid to help with these costs.

Estimated Cost of Attendance for the 2023-24 academic year for a full-time student studying online

Tuition $7,070 $8,480 Cost of instruction per year for the fall and spring semesters. (Established by the State of New York).
Student Comprehensive Fee $505 $505 This fee helps fund technology and transcript services and support for campus operations.
Housing $8,477 $8,477 This is a standard allowance for rent or other housing costs during the nine-month academic year.
Meals $4,635 $4,635 This is a standard food allowance that provides the equivalent of three meals each day during the nine-month academic year.
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, & Equipment $2,700 $2,700 This expense includes a standard allowance of $1,200 for books, additional curriculum costs which vary by major, and the cost of a laptop if required. For this example, we're using the average cost across all online programs for the first year of attendance.
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses $1,500 $1,500 This expense varies depending on the student. This accounts for spending on things like clothing, cell phone service, entertainment, and personal care.
Transportation $975 $975 The transportation allowance refers to the cost of traveling to and from campus for classes over the course of the year.
Total $25,862 $27,272 Remember, 92% of students receive some type of financial aid to help with these costs.